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Woking Disability Sports Day 2023

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

On March, 3 of our Disability Gymnastics Coaches attended a Sports Day held by Woking Borough Council specifically catering to adults with Additional Needs. Adults from local centres including LinkAble, The Halow Project, County Care and Surrey Choices participated in accessible gymnastics activities, alongside other sports clubs like Chelsea FC and Surrey Cricket.

On the day, participants were able to try a new sport, engage with like-minded members of the community and build confidence in their abilities. Supporting to break down the barriers that people with additional needs face when participating in sports was fantastic and we look forward to working with more local clubs and communities to support those of all ages to access gymnastics and participation in sport.

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Woking Gymnastics Club
Kingfield Road, Woking, Surrey GU22 9AA

01483 771426

Registered Charity No:  1152822

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