Starting from Monday 20th February, we are excited to be holding parents viewing week in all our recreational classes! This gives parents the opportunity to come into the gym to view one of your child’s sessions to see how they are getting on. We have split the viewing of classes over two weeks, please see the table below for which week you should stay and watch. Unfortunately we do not have a lot of space so you will only be able to attend the week your child’s class has been allocated. Seating will be limited so we ask that only one adult per child in the class attends.
There will be other recreational and squad classes running alongside your child’s session, so we ask you to be considerate when entering the gym and abide by the following rules:
Viewing will now take place on our vault run. Please ensure you drop your child off in reception as usual. Our team will then direct you round to our side door to enter the gym.
No food or drink in the gym.
Remain in the allocated seating area. If you need to use the toilet or speak to a member of our reception team, please exit through the side door and enter back through the main club entrance.
Siblings must not climb on the equipment or interrupt classes.
Mobile phones are not to be used in the gym.
No photography or videoing permitted.
At the end of your child's class, you will exit through the side door and collect your child in the usual way at the main club doors.
Monday 20th February
16:00- Novice and Key Steps
17:00- Novice 1 and Key Steps
18:00- Novice 3
18:30- Advanced
Tuesday 21st February
16:00- Novice
17:00- Novice 2
Wednesday 22nd February
16:00- Novice
17:00- Novice 2
20:00 - Freestyle
Thursday 23rd February
15:45- Disability
16:30- Novice 1
17:00- Intermediate 1
17:30- Intermediate 2
18:30- Advance
19:00- Advance +
Friday 24th February
16:00- Novice
17:00- Novice 1
18:00- Novice 3
Monday 27th February
16:30- Novie 1
17:30- Novice 2
18:00- Intermediate 1
19:00- Intermediate 2
Tuesday 28th February
16:30- Novice 1
17:30- Intermediate 1
Wednesday 1st March
16:30- Novice 1
17:30- Novice 3
Thursday 2nd March
16:00- KeySteps
16:30- Novice
17:00- KeySteps
18:00- Tumbling 1
19:00- Tumbling 2
Friday 3rd March
16:30- Novice 1
17:30- Novice 2